Then we became adults and somehow we had to suddenly learn how to take care of the complications in our own lives. There are far less "just go to bed and it will be better in the morning" scenarios. I'm not talking about being tired or having the flu. I'm talking about the serious stuff. Over the last 20+ years of being an adult, I have faced plenty of trials. Sometimes I really did just want to go to bed and pretend that everything would be better in the morning. Other times I went straight to denial. If I don't acknowledge it, then it isn't really a problem is it? Those are two very adult-like, responsible ways to handle life - not!
Eventually God taught me to take everything to him in prayer and to persevere and see it through. God would do his part, but I needed to not give up or give in. I needed to continue in fasting and prayer and hold on to the promise of His Word. It wasn't always easy and still isn't, but God has been faithful.
But here's the deal - sometimes I still want to go to bed and not deal with something difficult. I want to just pretend this isn't happening and then it will be better. And that is a lie. Nothing is impossible for God and no one or any situation is out of God's reach. God, however, needs me to stand firm and to continue to bring it to Him in prayer. I need to trust God and his Word and hold fast to the promises that He has given me. I need to see it through. Things may not go the way I want or hope and well, that's okay. God's plan is perfect and right and greater than I can fathom or imagine. I have also learned over the years that sometimes the answer we seek will cost us something. It isn't always just an "ask and get it" policy. God desires our obedience and sacrifice as we follow after Him and seek His blessings and provisions. This is part of growing up in our faith.
As I sought God in prayer this week, I found my way into Psalm 107. It was either by Divine appointment that I landed there or a complete accident. I prefer to believe Divine appointment, because it was exactly what I needed to know and hold on to. Praying scripture has never failed me and I am trusting once again that God's Word will hold true and powerful in every possible way.
No matter what our age or situation, we have a Father who hears us and is able to do exceedingly more than all we can ask or imagine; a Father who is able to do the impossible. We have a heavenly Father who hears our prayers and praises and can save us in our time of need. Whether you are praying through something in your own life or interceding for someone else, may you persevere in prayer and be strengthened by His Word in your time of need.
Grace and blessings to you