I have been waiting three months to be able to write those words. For some time now, I have had a deep desire to sponsor a child through Compassion International. Kenny and I had talked about it and agreed over two months ago that we believed God was leading us to this commitment. Then somehow life got in the way and we never sat down together to choose the child God would lay on our hearts.
Well today was the day. His name is Mucyo Done and he lives in Rwanda. He is 5 years old and although we have never met him, he won our hearts over with nothing more than a picture. Reading his story only confirmed what we felt in our hearts. My feet may never hit the ground in Rwanda, but my prayers and support can impact someone who walks on it every day.
As if God laying it strongly on my heart wasn't enough, this video just made the commitment and desire stronger.
Thank you Lord for opportunities that are beyond our understanding.