1. Within me is a Missionary Wanna-Be. I recently watched a dvd from my son's mission trip to Mexico several years ago. I want to go. My friends tease me that someday I really will head to Zimbabwe. I've never had the privilege to go on a missions trip. But someday . . . my passport is ready and waiting Lord.
2. Moral Failure. Seems like a politically correct, nice way of saying - you got caught in your sin. What bothers me most about this statement is that I think too many Christians aren't standing up for what is right and true. After all, we don't want to offend anyone and who are we to tell them right from wrong. While I agree in part, I also think that we are doing a great disservice to not take a stand for what is right and wrong. More importantly, can the world tell us apart or are our morals too blurred to know Who and what we really stand for?
3. Pray it like you mean it. Have our prayers become wishy-washy? Do we constantly pray asking God for something and then toss in the "if it is according to your will Lord" just in case God doesn't answer the way we wanted.
4. Coupons. The more I use coupons and the more I save, the more I am convinced that it is a great way to be good stewards of God's money. I am sure God has a ministry in this for me, just haven't seen it yet.
5. Sacrificing for time with God. I have been guilty way too often and regularly of not sacrificing the time I need to spend with the Lord. Sleeping in. A few more minutes on the internet. Really need to text those people back. God has really placed a renewed burden on my heart to be saturated throughout every day with his Word and worship and prayer. Be intentional about it. Pursue it. Crave it!
6. The Word. Exactly what excuse do we have for not being in the Word and reading it and knowing it and memorizing it?
7. Sorting it out. Trying to sort out all of the passions, desires, midnight prayers, etc. and figure out exactly what God is saying and calling me to. I was hoping/praying for the catapult forward and instead I feel like God is calling me back to where I started. Obviously, from a new standpoint. Hmmmm . . .